Quarter 1, 2022 | Newsletter
New year, new beginnings! Oliver Ho & Associates has some exciting news! Read more to find out!
New Project:
4 Carmen Street
Credits to MUZIdesign for creating an environment where the clients can relax and feel comfortable in @ 4 Carmen Street.
These 2 units of 2-storey Semi-Detached house boosts a GFA of 792m2 with an attic & swimming pool.
We look forward to a successful project completion in due course.

New Project:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Oliver Ho & Associates are excited to be collaborating with Ong & Ong for this A&A project @201 Balestier Road.
With an estimated 18 months construction period, we can definitely anticipate a close collaboration between all parties involved as we strive towards a smooth completion for the client.

Completed Project:
1B Buckley Road
We would like to thank the clients as well as RT+Q Architects for collaborating on this project @ 1B Buckley Road.
This wonderfully crafted unit was featured on Tatler Asia.
Head on over for a more detailed description as well as more pictures of this Tropical house. Looking forward to working on more such projects in the near future.